Monday, September 7, 2009

Monday`s Games College Football(2 Games)

Sorry I didn`t Put My Picks from Saturday, Just enjoy the excellant Games Sat/Sun; But Here`s my Pick on this Labor Day(Thus Far 3-0)(Didn`t pick Sat/Sun Games this week)

Cincinnati at Rutgers
My Pick:Cincinnati

2nd Game The Big One(Eventhough, this game has lost a little bit National Presteige) Watch It Tonight:"It`s On and Poppin"

Miami (FL) at No. 18 Florida State

The Pick: Ready...... I`m going with........Mr.Corso on this One......No 18 Florida State Wins this one.

So Enjoy the Labor Day Games and Can`t wait to see the ending and results of these Games
Hopefully I can be 2-0 with these games to boost me up to a 5-0 record. Let`s Get It Should Be Fun

Like Always"It`s Been A Pleasure"

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