Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Cablevision To Offer LeBron His Own Channel? What?

Frank Isola has heard a rumor that Cablevision will offer LeBron James his own television channel if he lands in New York.
Cablevision is in the process of spinning off its Madison Square Garden operation, which includes the Knicks, into a separate corporate entity.
Via New York Daily News

WOW!!! Should be interesting if this is True; LeBron his own TV Channel(If he potential lands in New York(Much Love too New York; I love New York) should be exciting too see that show, too see the story plots of these shows If he Lands Their)

But Of Course The City that I love and embrace and was born in too the Blood Line; Chicago, hopefully he can choose us we have a very young core that will be able to become champions for years.(I will also describe more about our players coming up sep 26 on my Bulls Season Preveiw) Can`t Wait. Also I have a strong feeling that he will stay in OHIO. But I will also have a special on the 2010 Free Agent Class so check that out COMING SOON.....

Like Always:"It`s Been A Pleasure"

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