Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bulls Updates/NBA Updates

First Quick Bulls News & Notes
(recieve the bulls update from Chicago Bulls Confidential GO CHECK OUT DOUG`S SITE)

-The Plan right now for the Chicago Bulls is for John Salmons to be our Shooting Guard
-Also that means for Captain Kirk to come off the Bench
-Aaron Gray will most likely except the QO to come back for one more year
Not to much is happening right now;But that`s all Bulls News


-Leon Powe will sign a 2year deal with the Cavs for the Minimum; If he is cleared by the team doctors(with his injured left knee)

-DWADE has bought a Chicago Townhouse for 1.4 million(I have no clue was this means;P.S DWAYNE COME BACK HOME TO THE BULLS!!!!)

-Glen"Big Baby"Davis is back with Boston with a New 2year deal

-LA Lakers(World Champions) F/C Pau Gasol injured his middle finger on his left hand during a practice with the Spanish National Team he is expected to miss at least 3 weeks

That`s it with My Updates, Catch More Articles and Updates at my site here.

Like Always"It`s Been A Pleasure"

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