Saturday, August 15, 2009


Joe Smith agreeds to a one year deal with the Atlanta Hawks(on the veteran minimum)

Anthony Carter resigns a one year deal with the Denver Nuggets

-New info on the Bulls(minor)

-both Lindsay Hunter and Aaron Gray have no trade clauses(which is very interesting to me you usually only have that for your superstars)(Mainly Kobe Bryant,Lebron James and also DWADE) Are the guys that have this option, this means with the no trade clause that any trade their clubs try to put them in or if they demand a trade; the player can either Deny or can agree with the Trade. Just a Brief explanation on the no trade clause; My question But why for guys on the team that aren`t our main core or aren`t even Building Blocks for us, also to add that it`s tough If we have a ideal trade and If one is envolved(Most likely Aaron Gray, because I believe they want to keep Lindsay Hunter for this year and then add him to the Coaching Staff Next season) they could knock the Perfect deal out from under the bulls; so we will have to see.

Like Always"It`s Been A Pleasure"

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