Saturday, June 6, 2009

30 TEAMS IN 26 DAYS Featuring #19 Atlanta Hawks and #18 Minnesota Timberwolves

#19 ATLANTA HAWKS(Al Horford and Josh Smith)
The Atlanta Hawks have made baby steps to really start to become a top 5 contender on the regular. Also, this team improved from last year, by advancing to the second round of the NBA PLAYOFFS. This Atlanta Hawks team dealt with injuries in this series against the #1 seeded Cavs who were really strong winning the series Cavs 4-0. Eventhough, they lost and got sweept they still have another issue that lies ahead that is Free Agency. The Big unrestricted free Agent they need to get back is PG Mike Bibby.
Team Needs
-Young PG who can be Mike Bibby`s understudy and take over the reigns(possibly soon)
-Also they can consider a Center(to put Horford back to his position PF)
-Lastly, they need a better bench if they one to take it to the next level
Also #18 Minnesota Timberwolves you can see on the tablets with Names
there needs and bio from the season.
Catch Tommorow # 17 Philadelphia 76ers and My team The #16 Chicago Bulls
Like Always"Its Been a pleasure"

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