Eventhought I love my beloved city of Chicago and I wanted so bad; I can understand why they would want to go to Rio.(Well hopefully I won`t get a fine for this; But We all know their is beautiful women everywhere including our Beloved Country the USA, But It`s nothining like south american women especially those Brazilian Ladies)Am I Right Or Not???? Don`t answer that we all know the answer is Yes!
But I know we didn`t get the opportunity to bring the 2016 Summer Olympics to Chicago(and I know how disappointed we all were that we went out first) But Chicago is a great and amazing city(I also realize theres some issues going on but I pray that the issues can work theirselves out and we can stop all Gang Violence and unity as a people) Anyway, I didn`t mean to get off topic but People around the World need to hear this, that Chicago is a beautiful place, a place where you can become somebody, a place that embraces it`s heros and love`s and care for it`s hardworkers.
So Chicago don`t put your head down we win in the long run; Chicago is now being known around the world we are going to be able to draw a buzz oversees that Chicago has never had before.(even when we had mike and our bulls was taking the world by storm) So now when the world talks about major cities and major influences It`s not only going to be talk of New York,LA include the new New York of the midwest Chicago in that conversation now.
Also I want to sent out a Thank You To Our President Barack Obama and to the First lady Obama; also a special thanks to Oprah Winfrey and others who campaign for the city that i loved and country that i was born in and truly love.
So I know we are all down but just remember losses happen, it matters if you are willing to stand up and use diffult times as motivations to propel you to become even greater then you already are.
I know that some stuff might not make since but i`m righting off emotion
(So President Obama hope you are able to take a look at my great website,P.S nothing But Bulls info on this site and NBA news and etc. But Mostly Bulls)
Like Always:It`s Been A Pleasure
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