Quick Update of the Chicago Bulls since(my time i miss posting since oct5)
-One More Preseason Game at home vs the Wizards until the Season Kicks off
-The Bulls have a 5-2 record this preseason(I know it`s Preseason but the Bulls have played solid thus far this year showing Chemistry and the Bulls Rookies are fitting in well with the veterans.
-Of Coarse have to talk about(My mentor/idol)Joakim Noah he`s really look good this preseason he`s always had the size being a 7footer but putting on 10 pounds of muscle has help him(Besides the Orlando Game last night which he was solid in,but struggle trying to guard Dwight Howard which isn`t a surprise name me any others that could do it theres only a few) But Joakim has been able to be more consistense and he even had a game with 20pts 16rebs and 3blks So look out for Joakim he`s also putting work in on his jumper still trying to get consistense in that area but If he can add that then thats a added skill which we(as Bulls Fans will be happy) Joakim seems to be following his success from the playoffs so Watch Out for him.
-Derrick Rose played the first preseason game and struggle 1st half but then in the 2nd half he had the takeover like the Moneyplayers do it(or should I say Clutch Players who love the moment and spotlight) (I know again it`s preseason but still great sign to see from our Young Franchise Player) But, since then Derrick has miss all the other six games with a ankle tendon injury(if im correct) But I wouldn`t be to scared right at this moment cause with him having rest could be a benefit; Also theres a downside with one more preseason game you would want Rose to play and gain that feeling of each guy on the court and learn their strengths and also for him he still has some more growth that needs to take place on court. But I expect when the Rookie of the Year winner from last year hits the floor he will be ready to grow in to that role to carry this team like in the playoffs.
-Luol Deng what can I say happy to see Luol Back but this is preseason he `s looked solid and has had struggles some nights but Luol has mostly been good; My only Question is:Will we see the Young Luol that was a leader that carry this team on his back before the 66 million came his way(not saying that Luol is motivate by money(I know he isn`t he loves this game)) or Will Luol be the Player who receives the 66million and never lives up to promise because injurys. We shall see But "Luol I pulling for you Buddy"
-Salmons miss some time due to his wife having their second child(which is understandable) he`s struggle but has had solid nights too. Hinrich we know what you get from him he`s the steady constant he`s solid. The Rookies Taj and JJ have been great thus far both aren`t afraid of the big moment they seem to grow each game and watch out for Taj I think he will get strong consideration for that Bulls Starting Power Forward Spot.(So lookout for that,should be inticing with that scenario and how it plays out). Pargo you know what you get Mr. instant Offense he`s been good; Pargo has hit some big shots but he has also been a chucker, just shooting the ball at will and having at times poor shot selection; But still Pargo has been solid for us. Miller we know what we get from him craft vet who plays the game at his own tempo. Tyrus Thomas has dealt with injuries this preseason but his best game was when he came back against Minnesota he finish with 22pts 13rebs and he was incredible; But Bulls fans we also know Tyrus gets wild on the court to, but thus far he hasn`t been to bad he`s proven that he can be a X factor question is: Will Tyrus ever be consistense? Lastly, our Free Agents in Byars and Richards have been great camp for those guys you are honestly hoping these guys make it on the team but the chances and odds are not in their favor; But time shall tell what happens with rotations,minutes,moves,and coaching ideas.
Till Next Time My Friends Take Care
Like Always:It`s Been A Pleasure
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