Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Well Bulls Fans Lets Take A look Back At Ben Gordon`s Greatness

There is word out there that Ben Gordon and also Charlie V traveled to Detroit to visit the GM/Vice President Joe Dumars to discuss different deals that is on the table.(Also word is that BG and Charlie V are rapidily looking to sign with the Pistons.)

But If that is the Case; Thank You Ben for all your hardwork and your amazing Clutch Shots, and also dedicating your self to the Chicago Bulls. Thanks BG you will defintely be miss, and good luck in Detroit.

But I pray that this isn`t the case and all of this is just rumors getting started.

So we will see what happens; If he is gone I will definetely get a tribute Video for his amazing play with The Bulls. But hopefully he stays, so stay tune.

Like Always"It`s Been A Pleasure"

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