Saturday, June 13, 2009

30 TEAMS IN 26 DAYS FEATURING #10 Milwaukee Bucks AND #11 New Jersey Nets

#11 NEW JERSEY NETS(Vince Carter and Devin Harris)

This Nets team was pretty much a toss up type of team. One day you see this team with and they play like the top dogs; next time you see they play like they lose their identity. It was so confusing with this team. But Any way this team has young stars in PG Devin Harris and C Brook lopez, also adding their veteran star VC. This team has some pieces to build upon and become a force later on down the road. Now to get to team needs

Team Needs

- Need a upgrade at the 4 who could also provide scoring and toughness

-This teams bench needs some more punch on it

-lastly,need to get younger at that SF spot

#10 Milwaukee Bucks

(Michael Redd)

This Bucks team, down fall this year was the same as the last couple of years injuries. This team has never really been healthy throught a whole season; but still with the leadership of Head Coach Scott Skiles and the young players development(Sessions,Charlie V ALSO Muc a Moute)
this team made a push for the playoffs, they almost had the 8th spot secure but a minor colapse and lack of gas to finish the season they fell to the 9th spot and got elimated from playoff contention. Lastly, this team should be better when healthy to make a playoff push; with a Michael Redd and Andrew Bogut add that to some solid young role players this team will compete for a playoff spot.

Team Needs

-Try to build a deeper bench

-Maybe a young PG or young PF(In Case they lose either Sessions or Charlie V)

Like Always"It`s Been A Pleasure"

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