Sunday, October 4, 2009

Bulls Trip to London Update(Also Congrats to John Salmons)Read the story and find out the great news!!!!

Rose sits out practice; Salmons back in Chicago

K.C. Johnson
LONDON -- Derrick Rose celebrated his 21st birthday Sunday, but he also sat out Bulls practice after hurting his right ankle and Achilles in Friday's game in Indiana. Rose said he isn't sure whether he'd play Tuesday against Utah at this city's O2 Arena.
"The pain is back on my heel," Rose said. "I can't even run on it. I can walk on it, but I can't run. I really want to play so I'm just going to get treatment and hope for the best."
The Bulls also are without John Salmons, who is back in the U.S. because his wife is close to giving birth to their second child.
The Bulls have finished their 90-minute practice, which was basically a glorified shootaround or walkthrough.


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