Monday, November 16, 2009
Bulls Win 94-88 vs Sixers(Now Time for the Circus Trip)Bulls Now 5-4

Monday, November 9, 2009
My Mentor/idol Joakim Noah(has been awesome!!!)

Bulls Win 93-90(I know i`m late with this post bulls 4-2 Now)
Check Out My Friend`s Blog:Doug Thonus Chicago Now Blog(also his wonderful podcast)
here`s link:http://www.chicagonow.com/blogs/chicago-bulls-confidential/2009/11/bulls-win-slopfest-over-bobcats-93-to-90.html
Also checkout:Bullspodcasters.com Has other great podcasters and great insight on the Bulls.
Like Always:It`s Been A Pleasure
Friday, November 6, 2009
Hey Bulls Fans!!! I`m sorry I haven`t updated much my schedule is crazy right now but I`ll try to update either each week or 2 weeks

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The New York Times calls Twitter "one of the fastest-growing phenomena on the Internet." TIME Magazine says, "Twitter is on its way to becoming the next killer app," and Newsweek noted that "Suddenly, it seems as though all the world's a-twitter." What will you think? http://twitter.com Biz Stone and The Twitter Team Please do not reply to this message; it was sent from an unmonitored email address. This message is a service email related to your use of Twitter. For general inquiries or to request support with your Twitter account, please visit us at Twitter Support. |