Monday, August 31, 2009

Mikki Moore signs with Golden State

Aug 31, 2009 11:28 AM EST
The Golden State Warriors have sign free agent big man Mikki Moore.
Moore's agent, Mark Bartelstein, told's Marc Stein on Monday that his client agreed to a one-year contract with the Golden State Warriors over the weekend.
Moore's deal is for the $1.3 million, the veteran minimum.

Courtesy of:realgm and Espn

So No Carlos Arroyo to the Bulls(Reported)

The Bulls are not looking to sign Carlos Arroyo.
Rumors swirled over the weekend that Chicago was looking to sign Arroyo, but the Daily Herald reports that no such plan was ever discussed.
The Herald points out that the Bulls have Kirk Hinrich, Jannero Pargo and Lindsey Hunter to backup starting point guard Derrick Rose.
In addition, Chicago is very close to the luxury tax threshold.
Via Daily Herald

Also Courtesy of:realgm

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Carlos Arroyo A Bull?? (Rumor/Report)

Carlos Arroyo is rumored to be ready to return to the NBA, and the Bulls have been mentioned as a possible destination.
El Nuevo Dia, a newspaper out of Puerto Rico, reported on Saturday that Arroyo was close to signing a one-year deal with Chicago.
Also Courtesy of:Realgm
Wow!!! Arroyo a Bull; man always been a fan of this guy. But I think this will still be a very good signing for the Bulls, this can provide a little bit more depth to Our team. Arroyo is a very good ball handler who is real good at slashing and when he is filling it he can fill it up.(Check the link at the bottom to look and see) Also, Arroyo is a vet who has played in the league before and he can provide a little presence in a locker room, you also look at the price we are getting him at and the amount of the duration of his contract; The Bulls get another low cost solid player as a Steal. I`m not saying that he will set the franchise on fire, but he will be really exciting to watch when he is on; but when he is cold then turn off your TV`s folks. But It should be real interesting how they use a Pargo now, he has similarites to Carlos the only difference is Pargo isn`t as great of a ball handler as Arroyo is. So this is one of those stay tune; I would be excited to have my boy Carlos Arroyo on the Bulls still a Fan of his. A Best Luck Being A Chicago Bull If we get you Carlos, Till then Enjoy your highlight from back in the day click on the link)
Carlos Arroyo Shows Europe: with Volume the music choice is interesting to say the least so make sure turn your Volume off, and ENJOY!!!)
Like Always: "It`s Been A Pleasure"

Stephen Jackson wants out of GS

(I guess this is his farewell to Golden State Pic)
Stephen Jackson wants out of Golden State and has hired an agent to facilitate a trade, our Marcus Thompson II confirmed late Friday night on our "Inside the Warriors" blog.
Jackson told an audience gathered Friday in New York for a shoe company's party that he doesn't expect to be with the Warriors when the season begins in November.
Jackson stunned the crowd after he was asked by an MC if he thought the Warriors would make the playoffs.
" "Um I don't think I'll be a Warrior next year. I'm looking to leave," Jackson said.
The 31-year-old Jackson signed a three-year contract extension with the Warriors while acting as his own agent last November. But, he has since cooled on the idea of playing for an organization that has missed the playoffs in 14 of the past 15 seasons. Jackson said that playing for Don Nelson and his offensive system was fun, but now rewarding enough.
"(Playing in Nellie's system) gave me a chance to show everything I could do on the court," Jackson told Dime Magazine Friday. "It was great for me, but at this point, I'm 31 years old. I have four or five years left, I want to be in a situation where I can continually be in the playoffs and get another ring. So that's where my mind is at now. "I'm just looking to go somewhere where I can go and win a championship." Jackson said he's already informed the Warriors of his wish to be dealt and he mentioned Cleveland, Texas

(Houston, San Antonio or Dallas) and the New York Knicks as his preferred destinations.
Jackson led the Warriors in scoring (20.7 points per game) and assists (6.5) last season while playing in just 65 games. He underwent season-ending toe surgery in March.
Courtesy of:Mercury News
Like Always"It`s Been A Pleasure"

Friday, August 28, 2009

Derrick Rose wants to be the best in the NBA; and become the top PG in the League

Derrick Rose was asked to describe his expectations for the 2009-10 season and he revealed his high expectations.

Derrick Responds:

"To be the best player in the league at my position, and hopefully be the best player in the NBA," said Rose. "There's no point of playing basketball if you don't want to be the best -- or doing anything if you don't want to be the best. So that's my goal for next season."

I hope Derrick reaches that status he has all the tools to be a superstar; hopefully he can grow and mature to step in to that superstar player that we need. This is a real critical year for the franchise if Derrick can carry this young and more experienced Bulls team to another level, then things will get very interesting for a potential Superstar 2010 FA joining us; Also this team will be a team that can be known as a top tier team in the East. But this has to be the year Derrick takes his Superstar Potential to another Year, this can set the Franchise up with a bunch of success for years to come.

Like Always"It`s Been A Pleasure"

Grizz denying a Answer? Huh

Grizzlies general manager Chris Wallace is denying that the club has made a contract offer to Allen Iverson.
Iverson tweeted on Wednesday that Memphis made him a contract offer, and reported soon after that Wallace confirmed the guard's claim.
However, Wallace denied confirming the offer through a team spokesman on Thursday. The team does have interest in the future Hall of Famer though.
"We have had a strong level of interest in Allen Iverson since the beginning of free agency and we have made that very clear to him," Wallace said in a statement.
Via Yahoo! Sports

Courtesy:also of realgm

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Memphis offers The Answer a contract

Chris Wallace told Wednesday night that negotiations between Memphis and Allen Iverson have advanced to the point where the Grizzlies have made their first formal offer.
"We're heading into the home stretch before the season, and we have had interest in Allen all summer," Wallace said. "We've been in touch on a fairly consistent basis and had dialogue with his agent, Leon Rose, since the beginning of free agency."
Memphis is approximately $3.5 million under the salary cap for the 2009-10 season and thus could easily outbid Charlotte and Miami for Iverson.

Also Courtesy of:RealGm

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sessions To New York???Deal looks Dead What??

Alan Hahn writes that the Knicks do not have a standing offer to Ramon Sessions and that the team would only make a long-term commitment to the restricted free-agent if Donnie Walsh is able to move the contract of either Jared Jeffries or Eddy Curry.
Hahn therefore concludes that the Knicks' chances of landing Sessions this summer are remote.

Courtesy of:realgm

Like Always:It`s Been A Pleasure"

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Aug 22, 2009 7:19 PM EST
The Bobcats are the most likely destination for free agent guard Allen Iverson.
Dime Magazine is reporting that Charlotte has agreed to terms with Iverson, but sources told Rick Bonnell of the Charlotte Observer that no agreement has been reached.
However, Iverson's first choice is to play for the Bobcats and those same sources claim that the two sides have engaged in serious discussions.
Via Charlotte Observer

Like Always:It`s Been A Pleasure"

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Just some CFB rankings to look at AP Preseason Polls

The Associated Press Top 25 college football poll, with number of first-place votes.

Florida (58)

Texas (2)




Ohio State

Virginia Tech


Oklahoma State

Penn State




Boise State

Georgia Tech



Florida State


Brigham Young

North Carolina


Notre Dame



Others Receiving VotesOregon State 122, Illinois 105, Pittsburgh 103, Michigan State 100, Rutgers 83, Texas Tech 76, West Virginia 57, Cincinnati 44, Clemson 42, Miami (FL) 40, East Carolina 30, Tennessee 15, Arizona 13, North Carolina State 10, Boston College 9, CENTRL MICHIGAN 7, Auburn 7, UCLA 7, Northwestern 5, South Florida 3, Southern Miss 3, Vanderbilt 3, Missouri 3, South Carolina 2, Nevada 1, Arkansas 1, Houston 1, TROY 1, Tulsa 1.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


The Rockets have agreed on a verbal commitment with PF Pops Mensah-Bonsu

Also some of A.I`s endorsers have told league execs that he believes A.I. will soon sign with the Charlotte Bobcats.

That`s All from one of the boreing months in the NBA

I will have more NBA/NFL/CFB updates and news

Like Always:It`s Been A Pleasure


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A.I. talking about he`s close to signing on his Twitter Account

Allen Iverson's Twitter account says he's "close to a deal." The question is: With whom?
Bobcats,Knicks,Clips,Heat,Memphis or is it a new team that enter the mix Houston Rockets
We just have to see the surprise A.I. Provides us
Just a little News on today which i thought was interesting:Just something to ponder
Like Always"It`s Been A Pleasure"

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Source:Vikes are trying to move Tarvaris Jackson

Is Tarvaris Done in Minny?
Most likely(he`s going to get move according to a source)
The Source said
-He might be gone by the time the season starts
But the Vikings Right Now are shopping him
Just from a Source(But something to look out for)

Brett Farve expected to sign with Vikes Today(Base upon physical)

Courtesy of:Star Tribune(by PAUL WALSH)
Reports are out that quarterback Brett Favre is expected to sign with the Vikings today.
Favre is on currently on his way to Minneapolis and is expected to sign with the team this afternoon, WCCO-TV's Mark Rosen is reporting.
Also, WDAM-TV in Hattiesburg, Miss., is reporting that the 39-year-old future Hall of Famer boarded a plane today at 9:10 a.m. and is heading to Holman Field in St. Paul.
According to WDAM, Favre boarded by himself and said, "We may know something by dinner."

Like Always:It`s Been A Pleasure

Monday, August 17, 2009



NBA UPDATES(minor)/No Farve Fiasco here

The Raptors are trying to swing a Sign and Trade to move Carlos Delfino
-One option that has came open was the Milwaukee Bucks involving a swap for Power Forward Amir Johnson.
Also Marc Stein Reported that Delfino wants to get back in the NBA; But the only problem with a return to the Raptors was them ADDING 3 SG/SF this summer.
-Also the Bucks-Raps have been discussing the details to make the deal happen.
The Details/Info of the deal(Not Finalize)
Raptors Trade
SG Carlos Delfino
PG Roko Ukic
Milwaukee Bucks Trade
PF Amir Johnson
and another unnamed player
That`s the Deal and info of players involved(the unnamed player no mention of who it is yet)
Quick News & Notes(3)
-Peter John Ramos will work out for the Houston Rockets
(also the Atlanta Hawks will go watch Ramos(the starting center for the Puerto Rico National Team) play in the Tournament of the Americas)
-The Celtics and Pacers might not be able to push a sign and trade for Pacers G Marquis Daniels he might have to sign the biannual exception.
Like Always"It`s Been A Pleasure"

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Joe Smith agreeds to a one year deal with the Atlanta Hawks(on the veteran minimum)

Anthony Carter resigns a one year deal with the Denver Nuggets

-New info on the Bulls(minor)

-both Lindsay Hunter and Aaron Gray have no trade clauses(which is very interesting to me you usually only have that for your superstars)(Mainly Kobe Bryant,Lebron James and also DWADE) Are the guys that have this option, this means with the no trade clause that any trade their clubs try to put them in or if they demand a trade; the player can either Deny or can agree with the Trade. Just a Brief explanation on the no trade clause; My question But why for guys on the team that aren`t our main core or aren`t even Building Blocks for us, also to add that it`s tough If we have a ideal trade and If one is envolved(Most likely Aaron Gray, because I believe they want to keep Lindsay Hunter for this year and then add him to the Coaching Staff Next season) they could knock the Perfect deal out from under the bulls; so we will have to see.

Like Always"It`s Been A Pleasure"

Friday, August 14, 2009

Q Rich headed to the Heat

Miami Heat receive SF Quentin Richardson from the Minnesota TimberWolves for Mark Blount

Twolves save around 1.4 million by receiving Blount`s Contract which is a expiring deal worth 7.96 million rather than Q Rich`s Deal which is worth 9.35 million as a expiring deal.

President/GM of the Wolves
-Kahn said that with Blount they are going to waive him or use him in a Trade

Basically he`s saying don`t expect him to be a long term or even a short term stay in Minnesota; he`s on a any second Bases.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Breaking News:Reported Aug 13 at 8:45 Michael Vick signs 2year deal with the Eagles

A Second Chance for Mike

Eagles sign Mike Vick to a 2year deal reported by:Chris Mortenson
Terms are 1st year worth 1.6m with a second year option worth 5.2 million
More Details/Veiws coming up soon (Congrats Mike Good Luck Always Been A Fan)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

TRADE UPDATE:Rasual Butler to the Clips

New Orleans Hornets trade Shooting Guard Rasual Butler to the Los Angeles Clippers for a Future conditional Second round pick.

-This Deal saves the Hornets about 3.9 million and also opens up more space for that guard spot/small forward spot.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bulls Updates/NBA Updates

First Quick Bulls News & Notes
(recieve the bulls update from Chicago Bulls Confidential GO CHECK OUT DOUG`S SITE)

-The Plan right now for the Chicago Bulls is for John Salmons to be our Shooting Guard
-Also that means for Captain Kirk to come off the Bench
-Aaron Gray will most likely except the QO to come back for one more year
Not to much is happening right now;But that`s all Bulls News


-Leon Powe will sign a 2year deal with the Cavs for the Minimum; If he is cleared by the team doctors(with his injured left knee)

-DWADE has bought a Chicago Townhouse for 1.4 million(I have no clue was this means;P.S DWAYNE COME BACK HOME TO THE BULLS!!!!)

-Glen"Big Baby"Davis is back with Boston with a New 2year deal

-LA Lakers(World Champions) F/C Pau Gasol injured his middle finger on his left hand during a practice with the Spanish National Team he is expected to miss at least 3 weeks

That`s it with My Updates, Catch More Articles and Updates at my site here.

Like Always"It`s Been A Pleasure"

Monday, August 10, 2009

Bulls Have a Fondness for David West

According to the sportsunplugged twitter page, the bulls are expressing fondness for David West. League office insider has stated bulls GM had talks with sixers and hornets. Bulls see david west as a likely player they would move Tyrus thomas and Jerome James expiring for. Well First I think this would be a very good trade; because the trade insures Our 2010 plan(so not a big affect)(we could make a push for another Big FA). Second, this trade we don`t lose to much, and David West is on a Contract that starts on about 9.5 million and in two years will be down to about 7.5 million; So this will help with the teams future financial Plans moving forward and they get a very talented experience PowerForward that will produce some good numbers. Those two reasons the Bulls can not turn it down. But I think one thing that can destroy this from happening; You always have to have a team agree upon a deal, To me this would seem like a salary dump because David West is the 2nd best player on the team and his contract is not a very bad deal. This means that they will try to have a potential one year project in Tyrus(I Still like Tyrus) which If i`m correct Tyrus is a Restricted Free Agent so his team can match any offer, but what if tyrus ask for to much or they don`t like what he provided their team then You lose him and Jerome James he`s never going to remain on your team your using him because his contract comes off the books(6.6million)this year. So to me This is a great win for us Bulls Fans but I think Hornets Fans might not be to happy with the after effect of this Trade. P.S. but If Tyrus can become a player this will be a very interesting Possible Trade to revisit.

Right Now this is all talk from some sportsreporters from Chicago who tweeted this info on their twitter site. THIS IS MY ARTICLE I WROTE SO THIS IS MY THOUGHTS BEING EXPRESS NOTHING HAS HAPPEN YET JUST TALK I TELL YOU!!!!!

Hope Everybody Enjoy my Article more News and Updates:Coming Soon

Like Always"Its Been A Pleasure"

Friday, August 7, 2009

NBA Quick Notes8/7/09

Ben Wallace signs with The Pistons on a one year deal worth 1.3 million he is expected to sign Next week

The Heat have interest in signing Notable Free Agent G Allen Iverson
Two issues are getting in the way
-The Heat are contend with Mario Chalmers as their starting PG
-Also AI can receive more money(from the MLE) somewhere else

Rashard Lewis Like we all know got suspenend 10 games for taking a ban substance.(But I believe this was a Honest Mistake he `s a humble guy)

Really Not a Whole Lot Going On But Look Out Fans and veiwers of this Show I have a surprise for you all coming soon

More Updates/Articles Coming Soon And Also I appologize for those of you waiting for the other NFL Division Preveiws I have Been Busy with my agenda But I promise I will Be Back with that concept on my blog.

Like Always"It`s Been A Pleasure"

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

NBA UPDATE:Quick Notes8/5/09

-LA Lakers assistant coach Kurt Rambis has emerged as a front-runner for the Minnesota Timberwolves job
*Multiple sources have express the same info

-Brandon Roy agrees to a 5year extension worth bw 78-82 million with Blazers

-Jerry Stackhouse will be the latest veteran to audition for the Knicks

-Pistons rookie Austin Daye has come to terms with the pistons worth about 2.9-3.5 million. Reported by his Agent

-76ers announce Randy Ayers as Assistant Coach

-Joe Johnson is set to receive a 5year extension possibly worth 75 million

More Updates Soon/and (my NFL preveiws will be returning soon starting back with the NFC NORTH)

Sorry Fans had to do a quick one today!!! Promise to provide more updates and articles

Like Always"It`s Been A Pleasure"

Monday, August 3, 2009

NBA UPDATE: A.I. and Olympiacos

Report: Olympiacos to offer Allen Iverson $10 million

Yes! In possible fulfillment of this writer’s dream for the 2009-10 Euroleague season, Lithuania-based is today reporting that Olympiacos will be extending a contract offer to Allen Iverson.
Reportedly, Olympiacos officials are ready to offer free agent Iverson a two-year, $10 million deal, “exactly the same proposal that was presented to Nate Robinson” earlier this year.
With nothing else on his table, you know A.I. will be thinking about this one … Ball in Europe sure hopes so.


Quick Note: Minnesota Timberwolves sign restricted Free Agent Ryan Hollins(from the Mavericks) Dallas has 7 days to match this offer.

More Updates/Articles Here at my site

Also Bulls Fans Make Sure You Check Out My Buddy Doug Thonus Podcast and his Chicago now Blog.(If you can`t find it click on this site:

HE Has A Great Article Now Out called Building Around Rose(so check it out)

Like Always: It`s Been A Pleasure"

Sunday, August 2, 2009




The Giants last year suffer a lot of interesting ordeals; But the major one was Plaxico Burress(we all know the story so no need to explain) I feel like this team will be focus and will play better;(But come on it`s New York, their are always distractions and add that to the situation that`s on going with Plax and Antonio Pierce)(my thoughts and prayers are with those 2 men). Anyway, this team will still be the top dog in my mind(in the NFC EAST) they still have their excellant QB in Eli Manning add that to a solid running game and developing their young wideouts and Defense improving; this team should no doubt be a strong contender for that #1 spot.

2.Philadelphia Eagles

The Eagles should be much improved with the Good Draft that they had and also adding a few pieces in Free Agency; This team should be Poise this year to compete to be the top dog in the Division this year. The Offense(will always be a strength as long as you have a great QB like Donovan McNabb) should be more balance and I believe we will see more consitent play from the receiving core and running back Core. The Defense will be hurt by losing the Man Behind All Those Great Philly Defense Teams since 99 and Also One of the Greatest DefenseMasterminds in the History of the Game also, did I mention he is a Hall Famer. But I still expect this D to be inspired by the lose of their beloved Defensive Coordinator Jim Johnson(who is now in a better place). So expect this Philadelphia team to be fighting for the 1 spot in this division.

3.Dallas Cowboys

The Dallas Cowboys will be a very interesting team to watch(Honesty The Cowboys Are A Soap Opera). I have to admit I was really feeling like the Redskins Could and possibly should be at this 3rd spot but injuries was the major reason they got push to 4. The Offense should run smooth, but the Offense could possibly take a big hit; I know TO was a distraction, but people forget that the guy they call TO was a #1 Option, so it will be interesting how Roy Williams does as the main wideout for the Cowboys. Roy has been a #1 option but alot of times he fades but Roy has all the ability in the world to be the guy so we will see. Tony Romo is still a very good QB so expect him to have a little more understanding this year and also focus. Like I said the O will run smooth; I think the D will be about the same with a little improvement. Expect this to be a year of steady improvement or this year will be a letdown.

4.Washington Redskins

The Redskins I honestly think this team has the talent to reach the top 2 in this division; But the Redskins are always hamper by injuries on their Olines or Dlines, so that`s why I have them down at the bottom. I also believe that Dallas and Washington you can really swap both of them; They have a few similar problems that`s why both of these are at the bottom of the NFC East. The Offense will be better and should improve under Jim Zorn in his 2nd year, also add a young talented QB Jason Campbell who`s in a contract year; The Defense should be a upgrade from last year, add that now to Free Agent signee Albert Haynesworth(aka the 100 million dollar man) and also a very good draft featuring first round pick Brian Orakpo; This Team like I said Before has a lot of talent to reach the top 2, but so many questions still has to be answer before they can make the Jump.


Like Always"It`s Been A Pleasure

NBA UPDATE:Minnesota Timberwolves are closing in on a Head Coach

Wolves Search Down To Three
Aug 02, 2009 9:56 AM EST
Timberwolves owner Glen Taylor has confirmed that the team's coaching search is down to three candidates.
"No decision has been made that one candidate is better than the other two or anything like that," Taylor told Pioneer Press. "As far as I know, we are still looking at those three people."
The three candidates are believed to be ABC/ESPN analyst Mark Jackson, Lakers assistant Kurt Rambis and Rockets assistant Elston Turner.
Courtesy of : my sources at Real GM
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Like Always"It`s Been A Pleasure"

Saturday, August 1, 2009



1.Atlanta Falcons
I feel this Atlanta team has improved quite a bit; Very solid draft add that to getting Future Hall of Famer Tony Gonzalez at TE. Everybody can agree that The Play of Matt Ryan(the franchise guy) as a rookie last year was incredible(he won ROY) add that to the production of the running game and also can`t forget about the Big fellas down in the trenchs the O line, also his widereceiving core. The Defense was solid last year they made plays when they needed to make them; This Defense also loss their reliable Middle Linebacker Keith Brooking, but they still got younger(by the draft on D) so expect more solid D from this unit. Lastly, I didn`t put Atlanta #1 Because their my team(well maybe I did Kind of??? we will never know) But I think this team is poise to make a big run and we all know about the wacky NFC SOUTH we have different winners each year. So this is their time to be Champions of the NFC SOUTH.
2.Carolina Panthers
This Carolina Panthers team won the NFC SOUTH last year(and was #2 seed in the playoffs);But like i stated before I`m going with history and saying that the Panthers will not win the South. Even with that being said, I still feel this team can still fight for that #1 spot on top of the division; But I just feel this is Atlanta`s year to win the South. This Carolina team still even fallen to #2 in this divison will be a threat so Watch Out; Because this Offense still has a nice looking 1,2 running punch also Steve Smith and other solid receivers, and did I mention a very good QB in Jake Delhomme, also add that to their pattern solid D. This team I see them as #2 in the south, but has a strong possiblity still to be in contention for #1 in the south.
3.New Orleans Saints
The Saints this team really underacheived last year; Due to injuries and other Distractions, also add that to the lack of a running game. This Offense really had nothing to go to when the game was on line besides their passing game. Their Running game took hit because they were really relying on Reggie Bush and Pirere Thomas, and as we all know Reggie`s game is more of making that explosive impact play out on the outsides than pounding the ball insides; also add that to Pieire Thomas who`s strengths was pounding the ball inside but he had to much on his shoulders at the time. But I do think the running game will improve But don`t count on drastic changes. Also their Defense was a bit of a letdown I expect the D to be better. But all the positives really outweighs the negatives with lower expectations; This Offense will be even more explosive with Drew Brees(Enough Said) at the helm again this year and you provide him with a very capable Tight End in Jeremy Shockey SKY`S THE LIMIT WITH THIS OFFENSE. The D added more youth from the Draft and added some pieces in Free Agency so like I said they will be better. This Saints team will be exciting to watch again, but this team still has to improve a whole lot more before they can get to the top of the Division.
4.Tampa Bay Buccaneers
There`s two words to describe this 09 Bucs team:Youth Movement. This team added some real young talented pieces and also had a lot of departures and loss a whole lot of vet experience. But this team simply to me belongs here for 3 simply reasons:1.Alot of youth but they are talented, this team just needs a 2 or 3 years to groom their youngsters. 2.Offense is really suspect this Offense does`nt look like a very good O. 3.Not to sure with the D but also add a New Coach who`s trying to establish a New Culture down in Tampa and this process is looking more like a rebuilding projects should be interesting how it turns out for the Buc`s; But i`m just not high on this team right now. That`s the beauty of Predictions I could be wrong, But this is my anaylsis so Lets Give it Go and see how this race ends up.
More Updates/Articles and More Coverage at my site
Like Always:It`s Been A Pleasure

WOW!!! It`s NFL time my preveiws of Divisons start today:Begining with the NFC South PT.1

Hey Bulls Fans: Just had to let you know I`m not going no where i`m still going to be covering our Beloved Bulls and Bulls Fans you are the backbone of this site with out you supporting me in my efforts and our Beloved team this site would not be as successful so Thanks.(Can`t wait to see our Bulls in action. one quick note:I know Joakim(My Idol) says he is 6"11 but like we all know that dude is a 7 footer, he is very talented so look out for him this year( Bulls Fans remember"The Steal") But I think he will improve and we will see Jo just improve and be a Building Block next to the Franchise DROSE.

Next, I would like to point out that my site is mainly NBA; But I also have a great understanding of the NFL so expect for me to provide updates on Camps,Games,etc. So this will be also great coverage and schedule updates from my site.(P.S. FANS I`M A ATLANTA FALCONS FAN SO GIVE COMMENTS ON WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT THEM OR OTHER TEAMS)

Part 1

Quick Notes

Milwaukee Bucks waive Bruce Bowen
Defensive stalwart Bruce Bowen has been released by the Milwaukee Bucks and will be an unrestricted free agent next week if he clears waivers.(COURTESY OF Marc Stein at ESPN)
Bowen's full $4 million salary for next season would have been guaranteed if he was not released by Aug. 1. The Bucks will save half that amount by waiving Bowen and paying him the required $2 million buyout stipulated in Bowen's contract.
Bowen, 38, joined the Spurs in the summer of 2001 and was part of three championship teams (2003, '05 and '07) in his eight seasons in San Antonio. It's believed that a return to the Spurs in free agency is highly unlikely but contenders such as Orlando, Cleveland and Boston have been mentioned as potential suitors for Bowen.
Via his Twitter account Friday night, Bowen wrote: "Just got off the plane [and] got word that I will not be in Milwaukee for Christmas!"

Also Knicks receive the rights to Jason Williams from the LA Clippers

Hakeem Warrick agrees on a 1year deal for about 3 million with the Milwaukee Bucks

Celtics release G Gabe Pruitt

Lakers release 6foot9inch chinese Guard Sun Yue


Like Always"It`s been a pleasure"